Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7th - Monday

Warm up:
1.       Why does matter expand when it is heated?
2.       Explain the term speed.
3.       Identify one property of an acid and base
4.       What two properties does gravity depend on?
After Warm Up:
Video: Speed and Velocity Video with graphic organizer provided:

Speed and Velocity Video Graphic Organizer:

Copy the following formula into your ISN:

After video; students will practice calculating speed, time and distance  (5 – 10  minutes)
         1.   A bicyclist travels 60.0 kilometers in 3.5 hours. What is the cyclists average speed?      ___________
         2.   What is the average speed of a car that traveled 300.0 miles in 5.5 hours?       ____________
         3.   How much time would it take for the sound of thunder to travel 1,500 meters if sound travels at a speed of 330 m/s?    ____________
         4.   How much time would it take for an airplane to reach its destination if it traveled at an average speed of 790 kilometers/hour for a distance of 4,700 kilometers?  _____   What is the airplanes speed in miles/ hour?    

After speed calculation practice, introduction to Run, Walk, Speed Lab:

We will complete the lab on Wednesday.

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